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Shriya 巴塔查里亚 B.A. '18


Shriya 巴塔查里亚 18岁

Shriya 巴塔查里亚 is the definition of a global citizen and change agent. 

虽然Shriya只毕业于 十大赌博网站学院 in 2018, she has accomplished more than some dream to accomplish in a lifetime. She has lived in 3 countries including India, Belgium, the U.S. 拜访了另外12个. 她的作品已在 《十大赌博网站》, 《十大赌博网站》杂志, Ms. 杂志. 她目前的工作是 项目助理 普遍获取项目, a project of the United Nations Foundation that convenes donors, 提倡, 以及保护美国利益的合作伙伴.S. foreign aid for global sexual and reproductive health and rights.


家无处不在. 我是一名全球公民。” 当我们问她来自哪里时,巴塔查里娅说. 

She was born in the United States and moved to India when she was only 12 years old. 后来,Shriya回到了美国.S. 对于大学和 曾在比利时布鲁塞尔留学 因为她想站在欧洲政治的中心. 她定居在华盛顿特区.C. (现在). 据Shriya说, 成为世界公民和苏格兰人 means that you openly engage with others who are different from you.

You learn to accept people with different values and morals and engage in conversations with them. 这在我的领域是一项非常关键的技能。. “I didn’t learn these things at Agnes for the first time, 但 I refined them at Agnes,” 巴塔查里亚 解释. 

Shriya used her own 全球意识 that she acquired both before and during Agnes Scott to further her own leadership and interpersonal skills in her college internships and in her current job.  

“我会保持冷静, level head in situations when everyone else was a little bit overwhelmed,她解释道. There’s an element of positivity that everything will be okay because you have experienced moving and meeting new people. 你见识了更多的世界.” 



Shriya持有一个 国际关系文学士 而且还强调,她 辅修舞蹈 在艾格尼丝·斯科特.

“I never leave the dance part out of it because it’s taught me as much as my major has,”她说。. 

She praises Agnes Scott’s emphasis on collaboration in the classroom and intellectual exploration. Shriya解释说她有多种学术兴趣, 但他能够在一个时间内完全投入到每个学科中 文理学院,而不觉得缺少什么.

“(艾格尼丝·斯科特)给了我一心多用的能力.”她说。. “As an 国际关系 major and dance minor, I was using different sides of my brain. 我从微观经济学跳了过来, 去剧院, labanotation(舞蹈的书面形式), 到高级政治科学. 因为我的注意力被各种方式吸引住了, 我必须专注于不同的学习领域. I think that really transferred to my current job where I have to manage so many different components.”


Landing a position at the United Nations Foundation is quite a feat at any age, 尤其是对刚毕业的大学生来说! Having professors who knew her well enough to write strong recommendations really aided her job application. 此外,Shriya感谢Agnes Scott的 写作和口语中心) for helping her to submit the most competitive application possible. The CWS is a peer tutoring center which helps students with essays, 演讲, 甚至准备面试. Shriya自己也做了两年的同伴家教. 

“I regularly met with other tutors who helped review my application materials and prepare for the interviews. 它还创造了一种社区意识, knowing that I had other people who were supporting me in my endeavors,”她说。. 

Shriya’s work at the United Nations Foundation spans very different areas: advocacy, 通信, 私营机构参与, 建立牢固的伙伴关系. 

No day is the same in my professional life, nor was any day the same at Agnes. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial skills that need to be learned, especially if you’re going into international development or government,”她说。. 


防, a major component of her job was traveling to other countries to hold events centered on the importance of sexual and reproductive health information and services for women workers in global supply chains. 当被问及她最自豪的成就时, Shriya描述了为期两天的后勤计划, 300人的活动在印度举行. 她负责整个会议的后勤工作, everything from selecting speakers and catering lunch to organizing registration and transportation!


Shriya的另一个骄傲点在于她的出版物. While she has completed some interviews and storytelling through her role at the United Nations Foundation, she was hungry for other writing opportunities and decided to pick up some freelance work.

 “I realized how much I missed writing when I left Agnes Scott because Agnes places such a core emphasis on writing essays, 深思, 分析思想,获得不同的观点. 事实上,我在目前的工作中并没有得到这些。” 巴塔查里亚说. 

除了她朝九晚五的工作, Shriya is a health and politics writer for 《十大赌博网站》杂志 and occasionally writes for 《十大赌博网站》 and Ms. 杂志. She chose 《十大赌博网站》杂志 because she believes it is important for the voices of women of color to be heard. 她的工作主要关注青年行动主义和全球健康. 她甚至还让她下水了 自己的网站. When asked about how her work was selected for publication, Shriya said simply, “我刚刚给他们发了邮件. 我做了调查,并把我最有力的作品投给了编辑们.”

Surprisingly, one of Shriya’s most missed parts of the writing process was editing.

 “The job you feel when a final draft is rolled out is so great. I hadn’t felt that joy in a long time in terms of writing something.” She loved that Agnes Scott encouraged students to produce their best work and be open to criticism.  

Shriya 巴塔查里亚 at the 2018 Agnes Scott graduation ceremony.


Shriya attri但es much of her confidence to her experience at a women’s college. 然而,她并不总是那么热衷于这个想法. 她的父母很大程度上鼓励她去看阿格尼斯·斯科特, 但, 当时学院的招生团队访问了她在印度的学校, 她的看法改变了. 

 “It was a complete 180 degree change of perspective in my mind. 女人真的无所不能, Agnes Scott tries so hard to paint the picture of ‘it’s not a dream, it’s a reality’… seeing women hold all of those leadership positions and not seeing any men was a very fresh perspective that I needed, 尤其是来自更传统的背景. Seeing that I could do anything was a huge confidence boost for me.”


艾格尼丝·斯科特的使命宣言 是“教育女性深入思考?, 体面的生活, engage the social and intellectual challenges of our times.“愿我们都努力拥有Shriya那样的自信, 全球意识, leadership skills to engage our own intellectual and social challenges. 

关于 the writer: Alexsis Skeen is the Assistant Director of 入学 at 十大赌博网站学院. 她的本科学位是公共关系, 但 she also loves producing creative writing pieces such as short stories. In her spare time Alexsis enjoys cooking, hearing live music, going on bike rides. 

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